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About Us


10 Years Of Experience In Teaching Sector

Brainy Stars International Holistic Montessori & School is an educational movement. We are ambitious to open 1000 schools by 2030. This dream can be achieved only by teamwork. We invite those persons who are willing to contribute in the field of education having infrastructure and capital to become our teammates.

At the pre-primary level (Montessori) we have Integrated Holistic Montessori Methodology i.e., Montessori methodology with integrated values in the curriculum to promote the holistic development of the child.
We have improvised the Montessori system by integrating the core values within the syllabus in order to make sure that the overall development ( holistic development) of the child takes place at this appropriate age that is 0 to 7 years.

At the primary and high school level, we have adopted a Holistic Education system as per the New Education Policy 2020.

All perfect praise to be Almighty God.

One of the greatest gifts of Almighty to mankind is ‘knowledge’, through which we can have conscious of Almighty , can understand His will and follow the straight path.

Holistic Education System does not divide the knowledge on the basis of  Religious and  Worldly. All the streams of knowledge come from Almighty God. The traditional method of education may enable students to acquire, information but it will not train them about how to lead a purposeful life, so that they may achieve success here and in the hereafter.

Now a days new methods of teaching are emerging in the world. We at Brainy Stars International Holistic Montessori & School before establishing it, studied various methods and systems of education. We visited various schools in our country and foreign countries specially Malaysia. Field and Academic studies of schools and schooling methods encouraged us to start ‘Brainy Stars’, first of its kind Holistic Montessori & School in India.

We have taken up the great mission of educating the future of society, to bring the desired change and create India of our dreams. We hope to receive full support and co-operation from parents.

May Almighty God help us in achieving our noble mission. 

In ‘Brainy Stars’ we follow Integrated Holistic Montessori Methodology, it means Montessori methodology with integrated values in the curriculum to promote holistic development of the child.

Our study shows that in India we are wasting huge human resource by educating them in traditional method. If we improve our education system, we would be knowledge leader in the world.

In ‘Brainy Stars’ we have been working on improving the Montessori Method. We have integrated our Curriculum  with values.

Values help us to grow, develop and guide our beliefs, attitude and behavior.

Values teaches us about humanism and selfless contribution towards Society and Nation. Education help us to provide direction for achieving these goals.

Example :

Gandhiji- his values forced him to go against British. Bhagat Singh – due to his values he lay down his life for the nation

BS Academic team consist of  child psychologists, behavioral Scientists and parenting experts. As good education requires equal participation by teachers, parents and student.

We Are Always Ready To Serve Your Child