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Hyperactivity in Children and Tips to Overcome it

Hyperactivity in Children


Hyperactivity and ADHD usually go hand in hand. Hyperactivity and ADHD are neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by a long-term pattern of hyperactivity and/or ADHD. ADHD can interfere with your daily life and affect how you interact with others. ADHD usually begins in infancy and can progress through childhood adolescence and adulthood.

A hyperactive child seems to be constantly moving from one activity to the next with seemingly boundless energy. They may seem to have trouble listening or following instructions. They may not do well in school, receiving below-average grades and exhibiting behavioural issues. Brainy Stars International Montessori & School, a pioneer in giving due attention to such students, if identified is the leading school among the schools in Jayanagar. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to dealing with hyperactive children, but following a few helpful tips can make dealing with them a little easier.

Orderly fashion

Parents often prefer a relaxed household with minimal rules, but hyperactive children may struggle in unclear environments. Maintaining a clear and ordered household helps children understand daily expectations.


Focus on the issues that truly matter for a hyperactive child, as they are not necessarily “bad” and may struggle with daily life constraints. Address the disorder’s brain chemistry, not just focusing on reason.

Drawing lines across dotted lines

To help a child with ADHD follow instructions, break tasks into smaller, easy-to-digest chunks, have them repeat each step, and write them down. This helps them focus on one small step at a time, jogging their memory and crossing off steps as they complete them.

Minimize distractions

ADHD children often find distractions easily, so focus on tasks like homework in a quiet, distraction-free area. Seat the child comfortably, ensure they understand they’re not being punished, and create a warm, inviting workspace that encourages participation in designing a comfortable environment.


Task completion is a significant challenge for hyperactive children, so it’s crucial to recognize their worth and offer praise and rewards for successful completion. Allow them to reward themselves with tasks leading to prizes.

Things to do today list

A child’s responsibilities list can foster independence and provide visual reference. It’s important to teach the child to refer to the list when bored or unsure. Positive reinforcement and freedom in task completion order can help build independence.

Medicate only if needed

Coping with hyperactive children may involve medication, but it should not be the default option due to side effects. If behaviour modification methods don’t work, you and your child’s doctor should work together to decide if medication is needed.

Provide plenty of unstructured time

Hyperactivity rates are increasing while recess periods decrease in schools. Children need unstructured playtime, and busy schedules make it crucial to ensure children, especially those with hyperactivity, have time to play outside daily.

Always consult your Physician first

Health information can be gathered through reading and talking to friends, but consulting a doctor is essential before taking any medical action or altering health routines.

Is your teen hanging out with the wrong people?

If your teen is hanging out with the wrong crowd, you may notice changes in behaviour and disrespect. Bad influence and peer pressure can lead to a new attitude that may not align with parents.


Hyperactivity in children can be challenging for both parents and educators. To address it, establish a structured routine, ensure adequate sleep, encourage physical activity, and provide a balanced diet. Brainy Stars International Montessori & School, one of the top 10 schools in Jayanagar Bangalore, advocates to minimize exposure to screens and electronic devices. Seek professional guidance when necessary, as hyperactivity may be related to underlying issues such as ADHD. Patience, understanding, and a supportive environment are crucial in helping children manage hyperactivity and thrive.

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