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Brainy Stars Educational Approach

School's Philosophy

Every child is born with natural  tendency…” We nurture  future leaders by imbibing  values and build up the right character of the child. These  vibrant qualities will make him/her to achieve success here and in the hereafter”.

Pre Kg To Grade-2

Integrated Holistic Montessori Methodology

It means Montessori methodology with integrated values in the curriculum to promote holistic development of the child.

Grade-3 To Grade-5


The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners.

Grade-6 To Grade-8

Integrated Holistic Montessori Methodology

The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners.

So let’s see

What is Brainy Stars Educational System @ Pre foundation level

To understand brainy Stars education system let us first see what is the difference between conventional system and Montessori system of education.

Conventional system

Teacher Centric

The teacher is the main focus in the classroom.

The teacher will tell the child what to do, how to do and when to do.

Montessori system

Child centric

The child is the main focus .

Here the child learns through exploration and discoveries and through hands on learning.

In Montessori  the teacher is just a facilitator and a guide.

Difference between Montessori and Brainy Stars Educational Approach

The Biggest difference or uniqueness of Brainy Stars Educational Approach is we have integrated Values with Montessori Methodology.


Hands on learning

Mixed age classroom

Hands on learning

Prepared environment

Freedom with Discipline

Observe And Follow

The  most important element of Brainy Stars Educational approach is an idea, the idea in which we  observe and follow  the child, and see what actually  interest’s Child,  instead of going of our “gut”  or the way things have been done just like in  traditional school / traditional system of education.

Real time is spent  in observing the children,  getting to know them (children)

No unnecessary aid/ help is provide to children

Teacher can find the actual need of the child through observation.

5 – Environments @ Brainy Stars Montessori

Exercise of practical life





Admissions open 2023-24