The importance of well-being at school cannot be overstated, as schools have an important part to play in helping students make healthy lifestyle decisions. Brainy Stars International Montessori & School, best among the schools in jayanagar 4th block Bangalore understands the impact of those decisions on their overall health and well-being.
Adolescence and childhood are important times in the life of a young person, as they are the most important time for developing long-term strategies for personal well-being and making healthy lifestyle choices.
The social and emotional abilities, knowledge and behaviour that young people acquire in the classroom can help them develop resilience and provide a foundation for how they can manage their health and well-being throughout their lives.
By providing students with accurate information and a deeper understanding of the decisions they have to make, schools also equip students with the critical thinking skills they need to think critically about these decisions and the impact that society has on them, from peer pressure to advertising to social media to family and cultural norms.
The link
There is a strong correlation between academic performance and well-being. Good well-being is essential for academic performance and achievement. Physical activity is linked to better learning and concentration. Strong, caring relationships give students the emotional resources to break out of their ‘safe zone’ and think differently, which is essential for academic success.
Good well-being is also linked to the development of important democratic skills. Positive emotions are linked to flexibility and adaptability; openness to different cultures and beliefs; self-efficacy; and tolerance of ambiguity – all of which are at the core of the Education Ministry.
Focusing on the well-being
Brainy Stars International Montessori & School one among the top 10 schools in Jayanagar Bangalore helping students feel accepted and valued as individuals in their own right starts with helping them feel that school life has meaning and purpose. This can be done in many small ways that can have a big impact on a student’s well-being.
Empowering everyone in the school community to play a role in making important decisions in school, such as through consultations, opinion polls, referendums, class selections, student assemblies, focus groups, feedback from in-class learning activities, and student choice in terms of topics taught and teaching approaches.
Create a supportive and safe learning environment where all students can participate in meaningful activities, such as clubs, societies and interest groups or associations that focus on issues that are important to young people such as health;
Reduce student anxiety around exams and tests by introducing less stressful methods of assessment, such as formative assessment and peer assessment, and involve students in determining their assessment requirements;
Utilise teaching methods that promote a positive classroom atmosphere and well-being, such as cooperative learning, learner-centred approaches, self-directed time, and outdoor activities;
Providing students with opportunities to discuss well-being topics in the classroom, such as healthy eating, physical activity, substance abuse, and positive relationships;
Incorporating democratic citizenship and education about intercultural understanding into various school and extracurricular activities, such as openness to different cultures in religious education, knowledge and critical awareness of human rights in social science, empathy in literature;
Implementing student-led approaches to conflict management and bullying and harassment, such as peer mediation and restorative justice;
Enhance the school’s physical facilities to make them more welcoming to students, such as new furniture and equipment, carpeting, colour schemes, toilet facilities, play areas, etc.
Encourage healthier eating at school by offering healthy options in the canteen, such as avoiding high levels of sugar, saturated fat and salt;
Collaborate with parents to improve student achievement and motivation in school, such as on healthy foods, safe internet usage and home-school communication.
These individual initiatives can be combined at the school level by a policy development process that ‘normalises well-being’ as a school concern. This means considering the impact of new policies on students, teachers and other well-being. Prioritizing the quality of life and student well-being is integral for academic achievement. By fostering environments that support mental and physical health, educational institutions can enhance learning outcomes and student satisfaction. Ultimately, a holistic approach to education, balancing academic rigour with student welfare, leads to overall success and fulfilment.
Brainy Stars International Montessori & School a pioneer in this direction is one of the best schools in Jayanagar Bangalore where student’s well-being always goes hand-in-hand with protecting the health and well-being of teachers and other school staff.
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