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How to Help Your Child Manage Stress and Anxiety in School


We use the term “stress” all the time in our conversations, but what exactly does it mean?

Stress is our physical and mental reactions to an external event. The good news is that most stress goes away once the event that caused it is over.

On the other hand, there is another kind of stress that results from an internal dialogue rather than an outside event. This type of stress is called “anxiety”. It’s a constant feeling of fear or worries that interfere with your day-to-day life, even after you’ve passed the test, had an argument, or gone to prom. Brainy Stars International Montessori & School right from the lower classes, like Montessori, are trained to create ideas, find solutions for puzzles and practice positive traits such that these fear and worries are laid back.

Managing stress

Stress can harm your child’s mental and physical health, so it’s important to incorporate stress management techniques into everyday life.

Some ways to manage stress include breathing deeply, meditating, or practicing mindfulness, focusing energy on sports or creative activities like music, art, or theatre, and building strong relationships or friendships.

Every culture has its ways of helping young people manage stress, so incorporating these traditions into your child’s daily life can be beneficial.

Here are some tips to help students manage stress at school:

If we practice adaptability, we can create more resilient lives and workplaces. We empower our students at Brainy Stars International Montessori & School, top 10 school in Jayanagar Bangalore with adequate knowledge by addressing the basics. The required traits and skills are taught as required at every level.

Few other ideas for stress management in children
The Art of time management

Most children panic when exams are coming up, checking the syllabus and how many subjects there are. This can lead to a lack of focus and memory. This is why it is so important to teach children how to manage their time. Encourage them to have a planned study schedule and stick to a strict study routine. Avoid last-minute cramming. Children need to be taught to be well-prepared well before exams. During exam time, a quick revision should be enough to do well.

Don’t be restless

Kids are very sensitive and may be more anxious when they can sense their parents’ anxiety. Keep your voice happy and encouraging as you encourage your children to perform well.

Reward appropriately

Children will perform much better when you set achievable goals for your preparation process and recognize each goal that is achieved.

Remove all distractions

Before your child’s exams, it’s a good idea to have a chat with them and remove any distractions, such as mobile phones and video games. Children should have at least an hour of playtime each day with their favorite technology.


With so many important life choices to make, going through school with a smile and feeling good can be difficult. It’s no wonder why so many students feel stressed. Fortunately, there are solutions. Follow the tips above, and remember that school isn’t forever!

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