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Our Montessori Life

Our Montessori Life

The approach of Montessori education is to empower independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural development in all aspects including psychological, physical, and social. It was established by an Italian physician and educator Dr Maria Montessori, In 1907 “Casa Dei Bambini” was her first children’s house. In 2007 Montessori education celebrated its 100th-year celebration. The main goal of Montessori education was to develop physical education, arithmetic, sensory training, language acquisition, practical life skills and abstract thought of teaching the child and the integration of family into the early education system. Brainy Stars International Montessori And School in Jayanagar, Bangalore is one of the best options for children to experience the Montessori method of education. Schools in Jayanagar have implemented a new method of teaching using Montessori, where teachers teach children how to become a member of society through special teaching techniques by hand on experience.

The main aim of Montessori education is to develop children’s practical life experience, motor skills and intellectual activity. The Montessori classroom is designed environmentally and effectively to meet children emotionally and physically. One of the main aspects of this environmentally designed classroom is to prepare the children for practical life activities according to these Montessori strategies that have been practised at Brainy Stars International PreSchool in Jayanagar Bangalore.

The purpose of the best schools in Jayanagar is to serve meaningful work to mould the children with small hand activities like tying shoes, pouring water etc to bring some discipline in children. Through these activities, the child will also develop social skills through practical life activities. These types of activities build a child’s self-esteem, determination and independent learner. The students are even taught how to take care of themselves, and their surroundings, and protect the environment.

According to Brainy Stars International Montessori And School in Jayanagar Montessori education means explaining a child through practical life exercise, by these exercises children develop a true social feeling for their environment and they also develop fine motor skills. Montessori class discovered each child has a creative intelligence and that each child goes through different developmental changes. During this period of children from birth to 6 years of age, the development in children is extraordinary and the progress has its rhythm to better understand the concept and mold their bright future. Montessori education is a unique educational approach according to educational experts and child psychologists because they nurture a child in an intrinsic way that a child gets a desired feeling to learn. Montessori methods encourage a passion for social justice and the joy of lifelong learning.


Some benefits of Montessori strategies in our life make it easy and stress-free during the teaching and learning process. Montessori is a healthy way to develop some discipline and manners in our children.

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