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Teaching Kids the Impact of Climate Change and the Importance of Sustainability

One of the main reasons for climate change is the excess of, most greenhouse gases produced by humans in just the past 1 1/2 century. As the human population increased, we cleared forests to build cities and farms. Important inventions and technologies, such as home electricity and automobiles, changed the way we lived.
Some types of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, have become major emitters of greenhouse gases. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere, where these toxic components are released into the climate.

Greenhouse gases (GHG) & global increase in temperature
Emissions from electricity and transportation account for nearly 60 per cent of total GHG emissions. The remainder comes from agriculture, industry (e.g., factories that produce the goods we consume) and energy used in households and businesses.
Global temperatures are on the rise, with each of the last four decades being warmer than the one before.
The effects of rising global temperatures include extreme weather events, human health issues, food insecurity, and ecosystems. Some of these effects are already happening today, with vulnerable groups such as the poor, the elderly, and others.

Impacts of climate change include:
Heat waves:
Heat waves last for extended periods of time and are characterized by higher-than-normal temperatures. As the planet continues to warm, more regions will experience hotter and more frequent extreme heat events.

Heavy Precipitation and Hurricanes:
Heavy precipitation, such as rain or snow, is on the rise in many parts of the country. This type of precipitation can cause flooding and other hazardous weather events. Coastal storms, such as hurricanes, are also increasing in frequency and severity.
Sea level rise:
Since 1880, sea levels have increased by about 8 inches as a result of melting ice and rising sea levels. With an average temperature rise of 1.5°C, scientists predict that sea levels could increase by up to 1.8 meters this century, putting at risk communities living in and around coastlines. These increases could be even more severe if large parts of the ice sheet in Greenland or the Antarctic melt rapidly.

Habitats and wildlife:
The effects of climate change on the environment can have a significant impact on the habitats of many species. As temperatures rise, seas rise, ice melts, and other changes occur, many species are forced to adapt to new habitats. While some species are able to adapt, others may struggle and become vulnerable or extinct.

Ocean acidification:
As the atmosphere gets more CO2, the oceans become more acidic, making it harder for coral and shell-building organisms to survive. This can lead to problems for other marine animals, which can affect their food.

Wildfires are a huge problem, burning up forests can be devastating if not managed properly. There’s been an increase in the number of big fires and how long they last, so it looks like climate change is going to make wildfires even worse.

A drought is an extended period of low rainfall and lack of water. Global warming is expected to increase the risk of droughts in some parts of the world and make it more difficult to grow food.
While climate change is a frightening prospect, we still have a window of opportunity to prevent some of the worst effects. Everyone, including governments, businesses, and YOU, can play a role.

There are two initiatives that we can take:
Decelerating greenhouse gas production or emissions that cause climate change.
Proactive Preparation for Life in a changing climate.

Schools have an important part to play in raising awareness and engagement with the most pressing challenges of our age. Better and more engaging climate education will equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to contribute to the fight against climate change. It will help them to understand the questions that will inevitably shape their future. This will inspire, educate and prepare the new generation of leaders, researchers and engineers. In line with this objective, Brainy Stars International Montessori, the best preschool in Jayanagar equips its students with the necessary knowledge on topics like this, to motivate them to set the thought process rolling from a very young age.

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